Conventional Neural Evolution Optimizer
optimizer_CNE(populationSize = 500, maxGenerations = 5000, mutationProb = 0.1, mutationSize = 0.02, selectPercent = 0.2, tolerance = 1e-05)
populationSize | The number of candidates in the population. This should be at least 4 in size 500 |
maxGenerations | The maximum number of generations allowed for CNE 5000 |
mutationProb | Probability that a weight will get mutated 0.1 |
mutationSize | The range of mutation noise to be added. This range is between 0 and mutationSize 0.02 |
selectPercent | The percentage of candidates to select to become the the next generation 0.2 |
tolerance | The final value of the objective function for termination. If set to negative value, tolerance is not considered 1e-5 |